As many of you know, Jeremy and I welcomed our first daughter, Eisley, into the world in January. And my, what a whirlwind it’s been! I can hardly believe I have a 2.5 month old! They aren’t kidding when they say that time really flies with children.
If you know me personally, then you’ve probably heard her birth story – a crazy three hours! Let’s just say I didn’t know I was having contractions, and ten minutes later my water broke. (I had just come home from prenatal yoga and finished dinner.) We headed to the hospital and two and a half hours later, Eisley was here! It still feels like a blur and absolutely surreal that she’s here. She’s grown so much in just these few short months, and we can’t imagine life without her. We’re pretty sure she has an independent hair like her mama, and speaking of hair, she’s had a head full of it from day one! I’m secretly hoping it stays dark, but we’re wondering if it’s getting lighter already.
A few quick facts:
-Miss Eisley is SO strong. She’s been lifting her head well since day one and her current favorite thing to do is have us stand her up. She’s even rolled over.
– She hates to yawn but loves to explore…face her out when holding her and she’ll adore you!
-She loves music and so far she isn’t a huge fan of bows…we’ll need to work on that.
-We had to say goodbye to swaddles once she turned two months, she’s so active and a roly poly! (I find her on her side every morning)
Eisley is a gem and we are beyond grateful for her little life. Her sweet smiles never get old and her thirst to see the world around her is so inspiring. My Eisley, welcome to the world.
A huge thank-you to my sweet friend, Ashley Cox, for these photographs of our precious girl!
I take a limited number of sessions each month (plus, I’m a bit of a planner and always account for possible weather and sick days!) I’d love to set up a time to chat with you, hear your vision and answer any questions!
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Not sure where to start when printing your photos? In this guide I share my favorite printing companies so you can get those photos off your phone and into your hands!