At-home sessions are always a great choice in my book. Not only does an at-home session feel more relaxed, it’s truly a photo location that no one else can have – it’s completely unique to your family!

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  You may remember this sweet little boy, Elliot, from his newborn session in NYC, where he and his parents live. But, you also may remember Kate & Mark from their wedding at The Bridge Building in downtown Nashville. When Kate and I initially started talking about the different sessions throughout Elliot’s first year, she […]

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“You may want to wait a bit, I think my water just broke…” Kelly and I were coming our separate ways to meet at the park for a lovely afternoon in the spring sunshine. Then, I got the text that was the beginning of an incredible day for Kelly + Drew. Lilly was ready to […]

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 Oh, Ada. How are you already a  year old!? I’ve had the honor of photographing this little lady since she was born and it’s been an immense treat to watch her grow. She shows off her spunk more and more with each session and that smile just gets bigger and bigger. But no worries, I’m […]

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Not sure where to start when printing your photos? In this guide I share my favorite printing companies so you can get those photos off your phone and into your hands!

Where to Print Your Family Photos

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