At-home sessions are always a great choice in my book. Not only does an at-home session feel more relaxed, it’s truly a photo location that no one else can have – it’s completely unique to your family!

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And just like that, their entire world changed. I met sweet Andrea about a year and a half ago (she’s a wonderful photographer!) on a random trip home to Virginia (while I was still in Nashville). She so graciously reached out to me and welcomed me into her home. She has the sweetest spirit, and […]

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A few weeks ago, we had the opportunity to round out our summer with a weekend trip to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. We were only there for about 3.5 days, but what a great escape it was. We went with our dear friends, Brandy & Trey (you may remember them from their beautiful […]

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Iceland: our final destination of The Cherry Trek. It was unlike any of our other destinations and the best way to top off our five week trip in Europe. It’s been so fun to relive all of our destinations throughout the trip (see all the posts below!), but it makes me sad to be blogging […]

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I grew up in a small town in the country, but I’ve always had an affinity for the city life. There’s an indescribable energy as people of all ages, backgrounds, and cultures fill the streets during their everyday life. I’ve always been obsessed with NYC, and anyone I met simply raved about Paris. So, Paris was […]

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“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” // John Muir In light of another possible snow dusting, I thought I’d share some film from the most beautiful snow storm a few weeks ago. I’m still in awe of how beautiful and quiet everything was. I love how snow so quickly […]

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Not sure where to start when printing your photos? In this guide I share my favorite printing companies so you can get those photos off your phone and into your hands!

Where to Print Your Family Photos

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