


My Eisley Rose. You are officially one year old today and my goodness, it’s been the most joyful year. Though your fast & furious delivery left me in a bit of a daze for a few days, I couldn’t believe you were actually here in this world. And now, you’ve been on this Earth for […]


Here we are. Another year has passed, and quite possibly, the most full year for the Cherry family to date. We started our year off with welcoming our first daughter, Eisley, and have spent the year pursuing a new normal as we’ve tried to figure out what this whole world of parenthood looks like. Though […]


  As many of you know, Jeremy and I welcomed our first daughter, Eisley, into the world in January. And my, what a whirlwind it’s been! I can hardly believe I have a 2.5 month old! They aren’t kidding when they say that time really flies with children. If you know me personally, then you’ve […]


If you’ve been following along this past year, you may already know we are expecting our first child (a baby girl!) this month. I can’t believe how fast these days, weeks and months have flown. Some days it felt like her due date was forever away, and now that we are just a few weeks […]

husband kissing pregnant wife on forehead


As you may remember, Jeremy and I traveled out west to Lake Tahoe earlier this summer for Stephanie & Freddy‘s wedding (which if you missed it, be sure to see their post here!). Funny enough, I had only found out I was pregnant a few weeks prior. I was feeling great, until a few days […]


This is one of those posts that I can’t believe I’m actually writing. You see, I’ve been one of those women who has always adored children and wanted children, but to be honest, I’ve been deathly afraid of pregnancy. If you’d ask me “what scares you about it?,” I’d say, “Well, how long do you […]

I take a limited number of sessions each month (plus, I’m a bit of a planner and always account for possible weather and sick days!) I’d love to set up a time to chat with you, hear your vision and answer any questions! 

Let's make magic

love my work and ready

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Not sure where to start when printing your photos? In this guide I share my favorite printing companies so you can get those photos off your phone and into your hands!

Where to Print Your Family Photos

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