| Ethiopia | The Beauty of the Earth


Happy Monday!

So first, I want to apologize to all of you who have been waiting for photos! Normally I try to get through photos lightning fast but between my body getting back on track, jet lag, catching up on life, and the sheer number of photos I took, it took a little longer than I thought!

At first I was going to create one nice slideshow so that you could click on one post and see it all. But, when I started to find that the slideshow would be over 20 minutes long, I decided to save you all and break it into different segments.

1. The Beauty of the Earth
2. Walking Our Way
3. A Taste of Abyssinia
4. Brothers + Sisters
5. Living fashionABLE

So there’s the plan. I’ll be spreading out the slideshow/videos over the next couple of days + weeks. Along with each video, I’ll post some of my favorite photos from the slideshow on the blog post just in case the video doesn’t show great quality on your computer. Of course, I’ll be adding little facts of life with each post so you can learn a little more about our experience along with sights. I hope you enjoy all of the photos and I can’t wait to hear your feedback. It was an experience of a lifetime and it was an experience even my photos and words will never do justice. God taught us so much and is continuing to teach us so much. I’m sure I’ll be posting new realizations over the course of the next couple of months because even after a week of being back in the states, I’m still in awe of what we encountered.

God. Is. SO. Good!


Today, I bring sites from the beautiful land of Ethiopia. Though we picture Africa as a dry and hot continent, Ethiopia quickly threw those ideas out the window. The vegetation was wild and the views were greener than I’ve seen. It even reminded us of the Shenandoah Valley, just a different shape of mountains and different trees + wildlife. Oh, and don’t let me forget to mention that it was rainy season, which equals thick mud that coated your boots after a night of rain and the weather remained between 60 and 75 degrees most days.

The acacia trees are breathtaking. The monkeys + baboons are frequent. Ox, goats and sheep raid the road. The beauty is extravagant.

( P.S. — If the video doesn’t show right above this text, refresh your page! )

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  1. Laura says:

    Awesome! Can’t wait to see more!

  2. Wanda Starke says:

    It looks really lush. Maybe because it is the rainy season. I will continue to follow this site. Very interesting and you are remarkable.

  3. me says:

    Just Beautiful

  4. Jeremy says:

    I know I am the most biased opinion on the planet, but your work blow me away!

  5. Terri says:

    Amazing, can’t wait to see more.

  6. Annette says:

    Amy. This is amazing. So proud of you and what you do. love your site. Cannot wait to see more pictures

  7. Don says:

    Beautiful! I can’t wait to see more.

  8. Lynn says:

    Takes my breath away. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Grandma says:

    Amy your pictures are all so beautiful. Everyone tells you something, their smiles and their eyes. They tell you a story about love and Friendship. We are so proud of all that you do.May Our God always bless you and keep you safe. You are so special!

  10. Randy says:

    very nice……

  11. […] now that you’ve seen some of the landscapes from Ethiopia(check it out here if you missed it), I wanted to share exactly what we were doing in […]

  12. Kris says:

    Thanks for sharing these remarkable images.

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