Happy New Year, everyone!
I’m a few days late, but I figured I still had time to do a “Best of 2012” post. Last year was quite a year. I’m pretty sure I experienced every emotion possible, and it’s insane to sit here and look back on all that has happened in one year.
Just for fun, here’s my “12 for 2012” (not in any order, necessarily!)
1. We planned a wedding.
2. I was unemployed for about 4 months (whew, that was stressful!)
3. I became an aunt, twice!
4. I became a PT nanny to 2 incredible boys.
5. Jeremy and I moved into our first little place.
6. I officially started my business!
7. Jeremy and I made some incredible friends.
8. Jeremy and I watched our friends have beautiful children.
9. Jeremy started his new job with Paramore.
10. My little brother, Alex, graduated high school.
11. I was published in Nashville Lifestyles.
12. I married my best friend, Jeremy D. Cherry
It was a beautiful year full of a little stress, a lot of love and incredible joy. I am so thankful for the opportunities I’ve been given and I can’t wait to take them to the next level this year. Here’s to going places (literally) and living beautifully reckless this year!
And, to sum it all up, here’s a few of my favorite photographs from 2012. Feel free to comment and let me know which ones are your favorites, too!
*Some of these images were taken for Nashville CMVP
I take a limited number of sessions each month (plus, I’m a bit of a planner and always account for possible weather and sick days!) I’d love to set up a time to chat with you, hear your vision and answer any questions!
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Not sure where to start when printing your photos? In this guide I share my favorite printing companies so you can get those photos off your phone and into your hands!
Congratulations Amy! You’ve had quite a year! I am so proud of all of your accomplishments and so excited to see what God has in store for you in 2013!! 🙂